
Top 10 ways to keep your pets happy and safe this holiday season — #2

2. Keep to your pets’ normal routine as much as possible

Crazy-making as the winter holidays can be, it’s important to remember that your pets can experience all the excitement and comings and goings quite differently. It’s important to keep them grounded, so they know they are loved and cared for, come what may.

Whereas you are all excited about that great new dress you found for the company Christmas party, and you are so looking forward to the white elephant exchange, you dash out the door without giving them a pat…and you forgot to change the litter box. AGAIN. Your cats start looking for other places to do their business.

Your family is thrilled with the new X-box, and has been pretty much going at it non-stop.Meanwhile your old dog’s arthritis is acting up because he hasn’t been walked in a week, and he’s getting more and more grumpy and even snappy because he’s in pain.

Your kids are running in and out all the time over the school break, and leaving the door ajar. Your bird doesn’t appreciate the draft and the chill, and starts to feel a little under the weather.

For the 3rd time in a week, everybody is so busy they forget who’s feeding your little dog. Some days she has gotten double meals, somedays none. Whereas she never used to beg, now she’s really pushy any time someone goes into the kitchen. You don’t like that.

These are just a few examples of what can happen when the structure falls out of your pet’s life. Structure and routine help our pets stay happy and healthy, and avoid behavior problems because they know what to expect and what is expected of them.

Do yourself (and your pets) a great big favor by keeping the basics of your pet’s routine the same as much as humanly possible. If they have routines around feeding, sleeping, exercising, give them the gift of keeping those routines, even if it requires a little extra on your part. They will know and appreciate the fact you are going the extra mile for them.



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