
Top 10 ways to keep your pets happy and safe this holiday season — #7

#7. No food under the tree

This tip maybe goes without saying, but we often get caught up in holiday festivities and gatherings, and it’s easy to forget. Or someone brings a cookie tin and it’s sealed so of course Rover can’t smell it or get into it.


Most any human food can cause gastric upset or worse with our pets. The severity depends on how much they consume, that it is they got into, and their overall condition (pets with sensitive stomachs, just like humans, need to eat in moderation).

Because you can’t know if the raisins in that fruit cake or cookies are toxic or not, or whether your pet will be allergic to the nut covered log roll, or whether the rich gooey bars will trigger peritonitis…so why take the chance?

At a minimum, you don’t want to stop in the middle of the party or gift exchange to clean up vomit and/or diarrhea. Or you could be in for the need for emergency abdominal surgery and the heartache of losing your beloved pet anyway.

That all is easy to avoid. Just make sure the entire family follows the “No food under the tree” rule, and have your best holiday celebration ever!

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