
Top 10 Ways to Keep Your Pets Happy and Safe This Holiday Season – #8

8. No tinsel for dog and (especially) cat households.

Yikes! Tinsel is one of those items that pets (and some babies) can’t seem to not explore. And how do they explore it? By tasting and eating it. And that’s where big trouble begins.

This is the sort of thing which can rapidly escalate to a life-threatening emergency, as the tinsel can form a foreign body obstruction. If it can’t be passed or extricated orally, expensive abdominal surgery is the only way to save your pet’s life.

The Pet Poison Helpline has more info here.

You’ve heard the saying “Curiosity killed the cat.” They were probably talking about tinsel.

For your piece of mind, and to keep your pets happy and healthy, ban the tinsel!

Do you have any suggestions for replacement decorations instead of tinsel. Please share in the comments below!



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